Hempatop Repel 800



Hempatop Repel 800 is a two component advanced water repellent polyurethane coating. The system offers exceptional anti-corrosion protection, robust mechanical properties, and ease of application.
  • Svojstva

    Outstanding corrosion resistance. Excellent mechanical properties including impact resistance and flexibility.
  • Preporučena upotreba

    Hempatop Repel 800 is designed to be used as the top coat in a two coat system with Hempel's Hempadur Avantguard 770, activated zinc epoxy primer, for demanding C5 and CX environments as define by ISO 12944-2:2018. Suitable for structural steel, pipe, vessels, minimum two meters above the splash zone.
  • Product info

    Razrjeđivač/ Sredstvo za čišćenje alata
    08120 / 08450
    3.2 m²/L
    2.3 m²/L
    2.8 m²/L

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